Thursday, August 21, 2008

I’ll take the bumpy road any day

文章标题:I’ll take the bumpy road any day
文章作者:Geoff Tan
发表媒体:《我报My Paper

I do not think you’d disagree if I say our lives are made up of myriad unique experiences.

They are tightly woven together to form a tapestry that depicts the story of our lives.

However, not everyone would necessarily agree if I say that everything in life happens for a good reason.

For most of my life, I’ve had mixed feelings about this view, especially when I encounter stressful or depressing moments.

No doubt, it is difficult for many of us to look beyond a “bleak” situation to see the positive outcomes that may come out from it. We tend to take a blinkered view, and allow the emotions to overwhelm us.

These feelings could include the deep anguish we feel from a friend’s sudden death; the grievous hurt a loved one inflicts on us during a heated argument; the severe depression that comes after losing a job, and the helplessness that descends upon us after making a bad financial decision. The list goes on.

Despite these problems, some of us get better after a period of healing. Others never recover, and curse God for allowing calamities to befall them.

Still, no matter how horrible or unfair the situation may be, you will realize – upon quiet reflection – that you can overcome the obstacle only by “taking the bull by its horns”.

Suppose there are two stretches of roads before you. Which would you choose to travel? The smooth and straight – but dull and monotonous – one, or the winding and bumpy road that offers colourful and exciting views at the same time?

I’ll take the latter any time.

Similarly, the kinks that we encounter on our journeys through life have been placed there to test the limits of our spirit.

It baffles me whenever I hear about someone getting fired because of a mistake, without much thought or care on the management’s part.

Then, the company goes out to hire a fresh executive who may quickly make the very same mistake.

If the company had viewed the mistake as a valuable lesson for the executive, the experience he gained could have helped him improve in his job.

Whatever happens, cherish everyone you meet – they are the threads that would eventually become an intrinsic part of your life’s tapestry.

Most of them are there to serve a purpose. Sometimes, they are there to teach you a lesson, or to help you discover who you really are. Other times, they are there to inspire you to be the best that you can be.

Just like how every encounter is a valuable learning experience, regardless of whether it is a failure or success.

The writer is a senior vice-president of the SPH marketing division and the general manager of SPH NewMedia for Zapcode.

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