Monday, October 6, 2008

Focus on the big ‘little things’ in life

文章标题:Focus on the big ‘little things’ in life
文章作者:Geoff Tan
发表媒体:《我报My Paper

The last few weeks have gone by fast – really fast.

Even as Singapore hosted the world’s first Formula One night race, which certainly raced by in a flash, heavyweight financial giants have been falling fast and furiously.

Stock-market indices around the world have plummeted just as speedily.

Queues formed quickly outside American Insurance Association’s offices very soon after the announcement of American International Group’s meltdown.

Savvy big-name tycoons and investors like Mr Warren Buffett and Mr Oei Hong Leong quickly picked up free-falling stock at bargain prices, which turned around within hours to register huge gains.

News of the China-made melamine-laced milk scandal spread like wildfire, causing concerned Singaporeans to dispose suspect products in double quick time.

With so many things zooming by us recently, it may be time for us to “slow down” and take stock of the “real” things in life – our family, our friends, our health and our faith.

When we are caught up in the “rat race” of life, it’s very easy for us to neglect these priorities.

Before we know it, our kids would have grown up, and we would regret not spending enough time with them.

I would like to share this story:

Jim, a young boy, interrupted his father and asked: “Dad, how much do you earn per hour?”

Taken aback by the somewhat-impertinent question, his father gruffly replied, “$50!”

Two weeks later, Jim approached his dad apprehensively, and handed over a $50 note. He asked: “Can I buy an hour of your time, please?”

He had apparently skipped all his recess meals and saved up his allowance, to buy time with his father.

I hope this never happens to any one of us.

You may think that building your business and career is important. Or you may think that acquiring wealth to buy a swanky Orchard Road penthouse or a flashy Maserati is a big deal.

Author Robert Brault wrote: “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

Similarly, if you’re going through a bad patch due to current circumstances, consider what Helen Keller, an inspirational blind, deaf and dumb scholar, wrote: “Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows.”

If you’ve tried making the best of something but failed miserably, let American writer Mary Anne Radmacher encourage you: “Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is a quiet voice at the end of the day saying… I will try again tomorrow.”

After writing two weeks ago about how we can all laugh to de-stress, I stumbled upon this quote: “Laughter is an instant vacation.”

But most of all, as we take time to slow down a little, let’s find time to encourage the people around us.

If you’re the type who is quick to shoot your mouth off in a less-than-sensitive manner, a gentle turnaround at this point in time could augur well for all.

The world is going through a rough patch right now, and we could do with less “negative” attitudes to deplete our flagging morale.

Let me leave you with the words of Mother Teresa: “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.”

The writer is a senior vice-president of the SPH marketing division and the general manager of SPH NewMedia for Zapcode.

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